Sunday, March 23, 2014


In the last couple of months I read two books concerning the History of India from Independence to till date: ‘India Since Independence’ and ‘India After Gandhi’. These books not only helped me to get a better understanding of my motherland but also help me to get answer of an unsettling question that I’d been asking myself since maturity.

This country is bafflingly diverse it’s impossible to even encompass it in the human mind itself. There are plethoras of problems in this country, Communal-riots, Poverty, Linguistic Riots, Corruptions, Inefficiency, Illiteracy, etc.  How is this country with its multitude of problems, still standing united and how has it survived? With so many anomalies, it should have disintegrated or become a non democratic nation.  But it’s united, not only surviving but thriving.

Here are few Ideas which I think holds together this great nation despite, its multitude of problems:

1.       Secularism: Holds together the people of different religion.

India is the most religious and religiously diverse nation on the earth. We have almost every religion of the world Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhist, Jainism and many others. Some of the aspects of these religions are contrary to each other and most often it leads to communal tensions in India, which results in communal riots. A glance on the history of communal riots in independent India would convince everyone that the biggest problem of this country is communal riots. Thousands of people have been killed in each decade due to communal riots between Hindu-Muslim, Hindu-Sikh, and Hindu-Christian. The communal riot seems to have become an integral part of existence of India. Government in India has almost completely failed not only in preventing riots, but also in delivering justice to the victims of the riots. In spite of this, how are these people of different religion living together in this country? 

The reason for this is India is a secular nation in letter and in spirit. The constitution of India does not discriminate between people on the basis of religion. Our political parties and government may have failed the litmus test of Secularism, but the constitution of this country has not failed. The constitutional positions available in India have been occupied by person of almost every religion.

Just imagine had India declared herself a Hindu nation during independence, what would have happened to it? With so many riots taking place in this country every now and then, it would have been virtually impossible to keep this nation united. By proclaiming and practicing secularism the Indian Nation has given its religious minority the belief that, this nation of Buddha, Mahavir, Ashoka, Nanak, Kabir, Akbar, Vivekananda and Gandhi, belongs to people of all faith and not just to the majority Hindu.  Thus one of the fundamental reasons for survival of my motherland in spite of horrendous riots is it’s a secular nation not ‘HINDU PAKISTAN’.

2.       Secularism of Local Culture and Language: Holds together people of different language and Culture.

India is land of mind-boggling pluralism when it comes to culture and language.  Due to this there have been tensions in India on the status of national language.  There has been tension between people professing different culture and speaking different languages.  A prominent example is Anti-Hindi riots in Tamil Nadu and other south Indian states. By not declaring Hindi as national language India has given equal respect to the culture and language of those Indians who do not understand Hindi. Thus almost every state in India has its own state language. The Indian constitution had given each Indian state the right to practice its culture and commune in its own language (22 languages). Thus it’s perfect in India to be an Indian-Tamil, an Indian-Bengali, etc. 

This issue seems trivial to many people, but it’s as much important as secularism. The Nations of the world have been bifurcated not only on religious line (India and Pakistan), but also on linguistic line (Pakistan-Urdu and Bangladesh-Bangla). One of the fundamental reasons for strife between West Pakistan and East Pakistan (which later became Bangladesh) was linguistic difference. Pakistan has declared Urdu as their national language and made it compulsory for everyone to learn Urdu, while the mother tongue of people of East Pakistan was Bengali. This started the cultural conflict between East Pakistan and West Pakistan, which ended with formation of Bangladesh in 1971.

3.       Non-Political role of Indian Army:
On the left is Pakistan, on the right is Bangladesh, and in the centre is India. Most of the time these nations on the left and right have been doing Left-Right-Left, i.e. Military rule is frequent there. But in India there has been never ever been a military rule. Forget military there has never ever been even an attempt for it. No matter how much chaos the political class has created, army never stepped in to clean it up. Neither did they step in when Indira Gandhi declared Emergency, nor when it seemed that political class itself cannot come together to form an administrative unit to govern this nation.

It’s a question of not only about not imposing military rule the Indian Army has given the motherland as much selfless service during peace as during war. Whether it Tsunami, Flood, Communal riots, Maoist problem, Making bridge for commonwealth games, Getting  ‘Prince’ out of bore well, Terrorist strike, etc, any or every man made or natural disaster the last resort of Indian Administration seems to be Indian Army. Whenever the Indian Administrative machinery got out of track, the army helped the state and went back to its barrack, thus maintaining   peoples’ faith in Indian Administrative machinery.

In the end it won’t be exaggeration to say that India as a country own its Democracy, Unity, Peace and Stability to selfless service of Indian Army and not the selfish, bickering Political class.

4.       Indian CultureResilient, Pluralistic and Naïve:
The culture of this land is perhaps oldest culture being practiced in the world. It’s a culture unparallel to any other culture of the world. It’s diverse, plural, naïve and has a special tendency of focusing on self growth (or self purification), accommodating and assimilating the good qualities of other cultures. It’s never been interested in mending with other peoples’ affair. It has a very tortuous journey along which it has gained a lot of virtues which has helped this nation to remain intact, in spite of occasional blows.

Here was the oldest religious text written-Vedas. Here Hinduism was born. When Buddha started a new religion, the existing religious people of the land did not persecute him, but treated as an incarnation of the god. When Mahavira propagated Jainism, his ideas were fully respected and incorporated into the culture of the land. When Guru Nanak started Sikhism, he was given same reverence which other gods of this country enjoys. This nation has a peculiar quality of not only accepting but respecting diversity. That’s why four major religion of the world were born here, not only this when persecuted people of different religion came for asylum here, we greeted them as brothers. Be it Parsi or Tibetian refugee, this country has always gave protection and home to innocent persecuted people. 

When Christ propagated his religious belief, he was persecuted, nay crucified. When Prophet Muhammad propagated Islam, he too was persecuted. In India on the other hand, when Buddha, Mahavira, or Guru Nanak propagated their religious ideas, they were not persecuted but treated like god himself. This is culture of my motherland. Whoever comes here to give us new knowledge and improve us we accept it, we may disagree with some but we never persecute anyone because of difference of belief or opinion. At the heart of Indian culture is acceptance and respect of pluralism, assimilation of good qualities of other religion/culture, focus on self improvement and living a naïve life. That’s precise reason we never persecuted anybody and never annexed any mass of land.

It is due to the culture of this nation that people of this nation continues to live together despite mind-boggling diversity and contradictions. We accept and celebrate pluralism.  We know to accommodate, assimilate and move on together, the brother next to me may sometime hurt me but we believe he is not my enemy, we believe in live, let live and forgive. In this culture there has never been the tendency of ‘My way or the highway’. It’s precisely due to these cultural tendencies of my motherland that we are united.

It’s due to our culture that the fascist forces (Hindu fundamentalist) has always remain weak, as a result minorities of this nation has never been persecuted. It should be noted that in this nation fascist forces may come to power, but they will never be able to implement fascist policies, it would be inconsistent with the culture of this nation, and if they try to do so they will be booted out.

5.       Democracy with checks and balances: Keep government within its limits
 India is a vibrant democracy with checks and balances. It has put in place a constitutional framework, which ensures that the various institutions of the country, check each other and thus the nation as a whole remain well within democratic structure.  

We have world’s largest and most comprehensive constitution. Which is flexible and can be amended yet it’s rigid enough to prevent any government from changing its basic structure. There are provisions for each and every eventuality that the country may come across in future.

We have Election Commission, which is an autonomous body and ensures that election is free and fair. India’s election commission is best election conducting body of the world. It has always remained free from corruption and political influence.

We have Independent Judiciary, which keeps check on the arbitrary power of the parliament. It (Supreme Court) has power and authority to declare any law null and void, if it violates the constitution. Judiciary at higher level (High court and Supreme Court) is still free from political and government interference. There have been cases when judiciary has given verdict against Prime Minister and other powerful ministers.

Then there are other autonomous bodies which keep a sharp eye on the power and working of the government. We have Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), Central Information Commission, Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), and National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). These bodies make sure that the government does not cross its limits as specified in the constitution.

6.       Freedom movement Legacy: Gandhi, Nehru & Brothers’ Corporation:  Divesity outside, unity in Spirit
Their come a time in a nation’s life when it’s most talented people come together to work selflessly for the service of the nation. Similar thing happened with India. During the last 40 years of British rule in India, virtually every intellectual and talented person of the country came together to fight selflessly for the independence of the nation. These people did come from different-different part of India, but were considered largely national leader.  Like Subhas Chandra Bose came from Bengal but was respected in north and south alike. Nehru hailed from north India but was respected by every Indian. So was with Patel and other leaders. This phenomenon of a person of one region being well respected in every corner of the country laid the first bricks of the foundation of the unity of this country. Indian may have been speaking different languages, but their struggle against common opponent (not enemy!) united us. For the independence of the motherland people from all over the country sacrificed their life.

Even after independence these intellectual came together and framed Indian constitution. They may had their differences, yet in the interest of the nation they gave their very best to frame a law which has hold this nation one till date. While B.R. Ambedkar did perfect work by forging constitution, Vallabhbhai Patel showed his administrative acumen to unite 565 princely states to form a united India. Nehru worked tirelessly to entrench democratic values in the psyche of mostly uneducated and poor Indian. He further laid the foundation of modern India, by setting up IIM, IIT, AIIMS, Atomic energy Agency, Modern Industries, Five Years Plan, Dams.  

                And at the end I would like to say about my motherland….

She is not Perfect,
But she has strength,
to fight, to strive.
With all the anomalies,
With all faults,
She stands United,
She stands erect,
to Bounce back, to Resurrect.

Acknowledgement: India After Gandhi, India Since Independence, Mere Mehnat.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Death of Indian Prisoner Sarabjit singh in Pakistan and attack on Pakistani prisoner Sanaullah Ranja in Indian Jail raises many questions in my mind. It steers my brain about Morality, Politics, History and Culture of India and Pakistan. The death of Sarabjit is a Psychological reflection of grim reality of Culture and Politics of both nations. A psychology deeply rooted in Violence, Hatred and Ignorance.

Few centuries back Britisher’s driven by greed to have every resource on the Earth for their consumption, came to the land of Highest morality in the world à INDIA.  A land where goal of Human is not to fulfill his earthly desire (lust) but to help his brother live a better life. Buddha, Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam are its perfect example. Britisher’s came here and saw that Indians are too simple, Innocent and religious. They started to trick Indian and gradually occupied entire India. Innocent and simple Indian gradually wake up to the cunning reality of Britisher’s and started to unite for fighting against British rule. Britisher saw that the fundamental principle that binds Indian is their religion and they played their cunning move of “Divide and Rule”.  They broke the unity of Indian on religious basis à Hindu and Muslim. This policy did help them to prolong their rule in India, but ultimately they had to go back to their Native place.  What left behind was a Blood Soaked land of India and Pakistan.

Innocent brothers were living blissfully in the lapse of their mother. A cunning outsider came to their home, looted them, divided them and went back. What left behind were the same two brothers fighting each other like animal, and where is the outsider??? He is living happily in his native land.

More than 65 yrs have passed and we India and Pakistan are still playing at the hand of British policy of “Divide and Rule”. 65 yrs and we haven’t learned anything. The violence, Hatred and Ignorance that blood-soaked my motherland 65 yrs ago and tore its heart into two pieces –India and Pakistan, is still destroying its life.

Are we Idiot enough to let our violent past ruin our present and future? Haven’t we learned anything in these 65 yrs? What are we teaching our children? Violence? Hatred? Ignorance? Are we making them men or beast?  Mohamad Ajmal Kasab an innocent poor boy (every child is born innocent even a terrorist), was transformed into a beast by Violence, Hatred and Ignorance. This is what we are making our children. This is our reality. Both India and Pakistan are poor nation and instead of giving our children Education, Nutrition and Care we are giving them Violence, Hatred and Ignorance. This shows that our Government and Political system too did nothing to change our culture (of Violence, Hatred and Ignorance). Politicians instead of educating their people have used same British policy of “Divide and Role” to rule India and Pakistan.

The Indian and Pakistani people are sickà by Violence, Hatred and Ignorance and we think killing each other will cure us, but our Pathology is millions times more savage.

Every time I hear news of violence between India and Pakistan, I ask myself M I a child of Human or Violence? Every time I sit with my niece to teach her, I wonder if I’ll teach her violence or Humanity. I've to make a choice. So does India and Pakistan.

Jai Hind.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


शहर अमीरों के रहने और क्रय-विक्रय का स्थान है। उसके बाहर की भूमि उनके मनोरंजन और विनोद की जगह है। उसके मध्‍य भाग में उनके लड़कों की पाठशालाएँ और उनके मुकद़मेबाजी के अखाड़े होते हैं, जहाँ न्याय के बहाने गरीबों का गला घोंटा जाता है 

These are the opening the lines of Novel “RANGBHOOMI” by Premchand written in 1924. The following case drama proves that these lines are still relevant.

Giving its final hearing on 1993 Bombay Bomb blast case, the Supreme court sentenced Sanjay Dutt.
A.      5 years for illegal possession of a 9mm pistol and an AK-56 rifle brought from Terrorist Abu Salem.
B.      Declare Not a Terrorist.

As soon as the verdict was announced some people started a movement to seek Pardon for Sanjay Dutt.
This drama is a perfect recipe for a serious debate and I have some very important questions in my mind:
First, If the crime which Sanjay Dutt(A well known actor, son of Rich/Actor/Politician) had commited, were done by a boy Harry Khan(an unknown boy, son of a poor Indian Muslim), had the supreme court still sentenced him for only 5 yrs and declared not a terrorist?

Forget the Judment. Would Indian people have shown the same support for Harry Khan which they are now showing for Sanjay Dutt?

Second, Is Supreme Court Judgment, just a piece of paper, which Politician can use to wipe there ass? What is the value of Supreme court Judgments if it were to be revoke by Politicians(Governer or President). Why all this drama of Hearing and Investigation? And why the Hell have we written on our National Emblem “सत्यमेव जयते”?

Third, What is the Indian Journalism doing? Why are they not questioning the moral of People who are asking for Pardon to Sanjay Dutt? Why are they not discussing the above mentioned points ? Some section of media are even supporting Sanjay Dutt. What trend is media setting by supporting a person declared criminal by highest court of India? Are we not sending a message to our people that if you are rich and influential the rules of Law do not apply to you?

My views are as follow:

Sanjay Dutt should be happy that he has been declared “Not a Terrorist”, even after buying weapons from Terrorist. Also the Quantum of punishment is too less for the crime which he had committed. If a common boy I (Harry Khan) purchase weapon from Terrorist and caught by police, I will be declared a terrorist by Media and common people even before court Judgment.  (Yes I m questioning the viewpoint of Media and common people based on religion). Well why would terrorist sell me weapon, if they do not have good association with me? Do terrorist just give weapon to anyone like me whom they do not know? (This is a point to ponder)

Those people who are seeking Pardon for Sanjay Dutt have no Moral at all, especially, Some Lawyers, Politicians and Members of Film Industry. They have shown their true color by supporting a criminal. They are Traitor.

I believe Sanjay Dutt is likely to get Pardon from Governor of Maharastra. Reason is very simple: Most Politicians in India do not have Moral. Our Politicians are Bourgeoisie not Patriot.

One last thing:
The Law n Order, Judiciary, Government Machinery are all Just tools made by Higher class called Bourgeoisie, to control common people and serve needs of Bourgeoisie. The Law applies to us (common people), not to Bourgeoisie. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Recently there has been a trend of putting on auction the items belonging to the great persons of world history. Mahatma Gandhi’s personal belongings were recently put on auction by Antiquorum Auctioneers in New York. There was hue and cry in India over the auction, the government swung into action to stop this auction and was even ready to bid on the auction, but was prevented from doing so by restraining order from the Delhi High court. Finally Vijay Mallaya bought all the items and declared he bid for his country at the auction.

I have read few times Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography “The Story of My Experiment with Truth” and I ‘m inclined toward Gandhijee’s philosophy of life. I personally feel that Mahatma Gandhi is Buddha of Modern age. The place which Buddha has in religion, Gandhi holds same position in Politics.

My views on all this drama of auction is as follow:

Firstly Gandhijee does not belong to India alone but to the entire Humanity and that’s why he was shot dead. So Indian should not make public outcry if a foreigner possess any of the Gandhijee’s belonging. Indian should not be that much possessive about the man who belongs to entire humanity. My only advice to such possessive Indian in this matter is “Grow up Kiddo”, you are yet to fully understood Mahatma.

Secondly Gandhijee is not known for a pair of glasses, a watch etc, etc. This giant is known for universal Idea of Truth and Non-violence. So if someone buys Gandhijee’s belonging that does not means he posses Gandhijee’s Ideas too. Look around the world, the people who posses Gandhijee’s idea does not have even a single material belonging to Gandhijee, what they have is his thought in their head and this very thought is driving their entire life. Martin Luther King Jr., Baba Ampte, Dalai Lama, Aung san suu kyi, Nelson Mandela and Anna Hazare are few peoples who are possessing what was ones Gandhijee’s belonging: His Principles.  Gandhijee is not a pair material but Ideal for human life, which cannot be confined within the material boundary. So people should not make such hue and cry on the auction of the Material of a man who never ever cared for any material and spend his life half-naked.

Thirdly all those who bought Gandhijee’s belonging are the one who doesn’t even have the slightest idea about the life and Philosophy of Mahatma, for them he was like a Rockstar, so all they want is his clothes and sandals. Look at the life of Mahatma Gandhi and those who posses his belonging and you will see they are on extreme opposite side of Curve of Humanity. Gandhijee lived simplest possible life, while buyer of his belonging lives most luxurious life. I leave other comparisons to reader’s curiosity.

Finally, if anyone wants to posses anything belonging to Gandhijee, they should read his Autobiography and other works, and shape their life according to Mahatma’s Idea. In this manner they will posses more wealth belonging to Gandhijee than any of his belonging. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


We all have our Birthday. It’s the day, we arrive physically in this world. Almost all living being have this Birthday. But Human being is blessed, he can be born Twice!!!.

Bhagat Singh was born twice, first on 28-Sept-1907, Second on the day he ran away from his home leaving behind a note with words …”आजादी हि मेरी दुल्हन हैं”.

Mahatma Gandhi was born twice, first on 2-Oct-1869, Second on the day he decided to abandon the carrier of a Lawyer and became a morals/spiritual person.

Swami Vivekananda was born twice, first on 12-Jan-1863, Second on 25-Dec-1886 when he took sanyas.

It’s our second birth that defines our purpose of being on the Earth. Our parents give us first birth, but we give ourselves second birth by our Hard work, Devotion, Passion, Courage and Craziness.


Happy Second Birthday to all my friends…………. J

Monday, September 3, 2012


गुरुगोविंद दोनों खड़े, काके लागूं पाँय  
बलिहारी गुरु आपनो, गोविंद दियो मिलाय

This Doha is crystal clear explanation of the importance of a Teacher in Indian culture. Teaching in India is considered the most Sacred Discipline. It’s never considered a profession. It’s considered a service, to Society, to Nation, and to God. Teachers in India have always been poor and simple as it is very common phrase in India….. सरस्वती के पुजारी से लक्ष्मी दूर रही हैं!

On the occasion of Teacher’s Day(5 September), I would like to write few words about my best Teacher.

My best Teacher is Mrs. Kandwal, She used to teach us Hindi in my school, Sri Guru Ram Rai Public School, Race Course, Dehradun. She taught me in 9th and 12th.  Before writing about her I would like to explain a scene.

You are visiting a market and suddenly you saw your former Teacher, what could be your possible reaction?

When you saw him, you may get angry and start to curse him inside your brain. You hate him/her, this could be the saddest possible case. Then there is a type of teacher whom you may IGNORE. You feel he did nothing special for me. Then there is another teacher whom you may greet him. Then there is another teacher, whose feet you touch, and feel excited to meet him. Finally there is a teacher whom when you see even in the busiest place, you stops, approaches her and put your head on her feet. This class of teacher is my Best teacher. Such teacher does not teach subject, they teach life, they teach Character. Their conduct is guiding light for their student in the darkest hour of life.

There are few incidences/Observances of mine, when I was studying under her, these are as follow:

In my class it was self evident to each student that Harendra Singh Bisht is favorite student of Hindi teacher Mrs. Kandwal and vice –versa. During those days (and even today J) I was very proud of this fact, but there was one thing which always hurt me in those days. Though I was best student of Hindi and favorite student of Mrs. Kandwal, yet she never ever gave any preference or favor to me, I was always treated like other students. She never differentiated between any student, the worst performing student and I was given same treatment. This behavior of her, I could never, understood in those days. I always thought she should give me preference over other student because I was best and most Hardworking student of Hindi and also her favorite student.

But today I understand the significance of her treatment toward me. She was a teacher; her Dharma was to give knowledge to each and every student with same devotion and affection. She performed her duty exactly as per the Dharma of a teacher. I have seen that even very intelligent teacher forgets one thing, that they are teacher, of every student, of the best performing student and of the worst performing student. Most often teachers like best performing student of the class and dislike the student performing poorly in the class, this leads a teacher away from the path of Dharma. My teacher Mrs. Kandwal seems to know this fact well, thus her Love/Service/Affection was evenly distributed among all her students, no differentiation was done, not even on the basis of Merit. She was like mother for all students.

I never saw her sitting Idle in the class. She always used to finish syllabus 2 month before the exam, and in the next 2 months she used to engage students in Discussions/ Debate and quarries related to various topics from our syllabus and other social/political issues. In India, where our education system rarely engages students in discussion, she used to encourage each student to stand up and make a point. The devotion that she had for her work can be explained by only one word…WORSHIP. Today whenever I see people saying “WORK IS WORSHIP”….her face flashes in my mind like that of Mother goddess.

She used to take our first class in the morning. She was never late in the class. One day she came to class with bandage on her Right hand and forehead. She took the class, taught us with same passion and devotion, exploring each line of the chapter in depth. When class was over I along with my few friends went to her and asked what happened? Why she has bandages over her arm and forehead? She told us that she met with an accident on the way to the school. She came to school, got herself bandage using First-Aid box, kept in the school and was in the classroom exactly on the time. Her dedication toward her work was similar to that of a Soldier of army. Today when someone say to me that teaching is very easy and comfortable Job, I pity on his thinking.

On teacher’s day we (Students), used to bring gift for our best teacher’s, we used to gift them Statue, Pen and other items. I remember when I was in 12th I too bought a pen for Mrs. Kandwal, I was very excited. As soon as she entered the class in the morning we wished her and presented her the gift. Along with me many other students have also brought some gift for her, but she refused to take the gifts, when we insisted she said “I have never and will never take any gift”, your (student’s) love and respect is my best gift. During those days we used to think these words as useless. But today when we (all her student) are all thrown in the battle of life and every day we hear of corruption in India, then I have all my hopes only on such humble teacher.   

People say teaching is a job with limited work, and very good comfort. They are wrong. A teachers’ goal is to shape human mind, to shape human character, and hence the Character of Society and the Entire Nation. Where is the limit of such work?? A teacher has to make new Vivekananda, new Tagore, new Einstein, new Sachin, new Ambedkar, new Abdul Kalam…where is the comfort for a teacher? Teaching is not a Job its TAPASYA, its SADHANA.  

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Each human being at one point of his life or the other must have fallen in the Eternal Bliss of Life – LOVE.

I have noticed a pattern in Love.

Blessed are those who found their Soul mate in their first friend.

When we first start to make friend our age is about 3-6 yrs. In this age our mind is not much developed in other words our Rationality is very low, so we do not take any decision based on Logic but we still take decisions at this small age. So how do we take decision at this young age, which is the force that guides us to Like some people and dislike others? INTUITION. Yes at this very young age we take our decision based on Intuition. At this age we are innocent to the “Rules and Prejudices of the Adult society”. Our decision have inception in our Heart not in our Head. Yes Intuition has its roots in our heart.

Coming back to the main point.  If you have your soul mate/spouse who was you first friend, or who is your best friend since your first days outside home, then God has bestowed on you his blessing like rain. You have accepted someone from the bottom of your heart and soul. Your love is not polluted by the Logic of Freaking society. You/He/She will treat Human as Human not Hindu, Muslim, Black, White, Brahmin, Dalit, Rich or Poor. They have accepted you as you, not as what society perceives you. He/She see you through the lens of Heart, not through the lens of Society (Logic or Brain).

Lucky are those who found their soulmate in Schools

Schools are the factories where Logics are Embedded in the most creative and beautiful creation of the Nature – HUMAN. These logics are more often Rules and Prejudice of the Adult society. To be more blunt, the whole purpose of Schooling system is to prepare the innocent Child of Nature for the Adult society which is mostly govern by Logics or Reasoning or by Simple rule of Profit and Losssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!. In School we learn about our Race, Religion, Caste(if you are Hindu),etc etc etc and all freaking things developed by human to distinct one human from other. Here there is often happens a clash between Heart and Brain or Between Intuition and Logic.

You are a lucky soul if your life partner is one whom you choose when you were together in school. Reason is simple your partner loves you for what you actually are, She/He loves you since the days you were nothing (or everything because nature gives us everything we need to live this life). In school we develop our logic or brain for the life of adult society, Here is the first time we learn to Judge Human being on the basis of Religion, Region, Creed, Race or Caste. But still we remain connected to our Heart. Here our logic starts to develop and we start to replace Natures gift – INTUTION, with Human creation –LOGIC. Yet in schools we still takes all our decision based on the intuition. Here major portion of human character is Intuition and Minor is Logic. So if you have found your soul mate here then it’s probably (not certainly) that you have chosen one whom your heart truly loves or you have kissed an Angel.

Lucky may be those who found their soulmate in Colleges

When we enter our college life we are literally at war with ourselves. Our Heart and Brain are at constant fight, one always wants to rule the other and then there is a third force—that mad rush of Hormones in the body.  In college we take final decision, here we chose between Heart (Intuition) and Brain (Logic). We decide if henceforth we will take every decision based on Intuition or Logic. Here we choose one and leave other.

If you met your soul mate in the college the chances of finding Angel are less but they are there. In college life we are drawn to people more often by their Smartness (Logic) and Sexuality (Beauty of Body) then by intuition. Here a boy is drawn toward a girl by her beauty and figure (as if these are the only things to judge a Girl). Here a girl is drawn toward a boy by his Muscle power or Academic ability (which means secure future).

So if you met your soul mate in the college S/He may have chosen you because of your Physical appearance or Ability to earn bread, yes there are chances of this decision being guided by intuition but they are little but they are. Because in this stage our Logic is so much developed and the Rush of Hormone is so high that they can easily defeat our intuition. Thus in college life we take major decision based on Hormones or Logic and Intuition is left aside.

Businessman are those who found their soulmate after Colleges

After college our life we become member of Adult society. We become more absorbed or guided by rules (Prejudice) of Society. A girl eye for rich and handsome guy from her own community and a boy eyes for a sexy and beautiful girl from a rich family of his own community. So we rarely finds inter community marriages among couple who met after college life. So we become Businessman/ Businesswoman after college or when we become an active member of the Adult society. At this stage all our decision are based on Profit and Losssssssss!!!. We ignore Intuition and follow logic in every decision we take.


The purpose of this blog is simply to decode the pattern that we follow in our life since birth to till death, without even knowing it. I simply mean Nature makes us Intuitive but Society makes us Logical, and how this affects our emotions and decisions.